Depois de ter visto vários instrumentos destes aqui e além, um dia o H. chegou a casa com um para me oferecer... sem saber sequer que eu andava a ler sobre isto! E este veio directamente da Holanda, o que ainda o torna mais especial!
O meu plano inicial foi começar um cordão e nunca mais acabá-lo! Talvez um dia me surgisse uma ideia para ele e as suas centenas de cores. De seguida surgiu a ideia de criar uma manta... só que algures comecei a olhar para o fio que se ia formando e a achar que daria um colar de inverno muito aconchegante... E lá colar se tornou.
Entretanto, numa pesquisa que fiz há pouco, encontrei a Nia, da Caixinha de Pirlimpimpim, que está a fazer um tapete... O tapete dela é lindo, e dá-me vontade de começar uma manta a sério!
Para quem nunca experimentou aconselho vivamente. É super fácil de usar e viciante! Se quiserem fazer um em vez de comprar têm um tutorial aqui. E se precisam de uma explicação basta virem aqui e verão como é simples!
* Ambos os links serão redireccionados para páginas em inglês visto que em português foi complicado encontrar imagens com qualidade...
After seeing several objects like this one here and there, one day he arrived home with one to offer me! It was a big surprise because he did't even knew I was researching about it. This one came directly from The Netherlands and that make's it even more special.
In the beginning my plan was to make a cord that would never end. Maybe one day it might appear a brilliant idea for it and its many colors. Afterwards I decided to make a bed quilt... but in the middle of the process I started looking at it and began to think it would give a beautiful winter necklace... And necklace it is!
Meanwhile, I found Nia, from Caixinha de Pirlimpimpim, who's making a gorgeous carpet! ...Which makes me want to start my real bed quilt!
For those who never tried it I tell you 'Do try'! It's super easy and completely addictive! If you want to make one instead of buying here's a tutorial. And if you need an explanation just visit this page and you'll see how easy it is!
* Ambos os links serão redireccionados para páginas em inglês visto que em português foi complicado encontrar imagens com qualidade...
After seeing several objects like this one here and there, one day he arrived home with one to offer me! It was a big surprise because he did't even knew I was researching about it. This one came directly from The Netherlands and that make's it even more special.
In the beginning my plan was to make a cord that would never end. Maybe one day it might appear a brilliant idea for it and its many colors. Afterwards I decided to make a bed quilt... but in the middle of the process I started looking at it and began to think it would give a beautiful winter necklace... And necklace it is!
Meanwhile, I found Nia, from Caixinha de Pirlimpimpim, who's making a gorgeous carpet! ...Which makes me want to start my real bed quilt!
For those who never tried it I tell you 'Do try'! It's super easy and completely addictive! If you want to make one instead of buying here's a tutorial. And if you need an explanation just visit this page and you'll see how easy it is!