Esta malinha - originalmente apenas preta - foi feita pela minha mãe quando eu ainda andava na secundária e achava o croché uma coisa foleira (pergunto-me hoje como é que pude desperdiçar tantos anos sem tê-lo feito, mas a adolescência tem destas coisas...).
Levei-a comigo para a Holanda e lá dei-lhe este ar colorido, inspirada nas cores do Dia dos Mortos, no México, mas nunca a fotografei. Quando voltei para Portugal levei-a de volta para o Algarve e por lá permaneceu escondida até que nesta visita resolvi que era dia.
Voltou a ficar no Algarve...
My mother made this little bag - originaly only black - for me when I was a teenager and felt that crochet was a cheesy thing (nowadays I wonder how could I have wasted so much time without crocheting but teen minds have this kind of things...).
I took it with me to The Netherlands and there gave it this colorful new face, inspired by the Dia de los Muertos' colors but never took a picture of it. When I came back to Portugal it went straight to my parents house and there stayed. In this last visit I made them, I photographed the bag... and it stayed there once again.
My mother made this little bag - originaly only black - for me when I was a teenager and felt that crochet was a cheesy thing (nowadays I wonder how could I have wasted so much time without crocheting but teen minds have this kind of things...).
I took it with me to The Netherlands and there gave it this colorful new face, inspired by the Dia de los Muertos' colors but never took a picture of it. When I came back to Portugal it went straight to my parents house and there stayed. In this last visit I made them, I photographed the bag... and it stayed there once again.